Case Studies / Testimonials
Interesting and Informative Radio Telemetry Applications

Pythons are snacking on GPS-wearing opossums that give up their locations
From The Washington Post
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Tracking radio-archival-tagged Chinook Salmon during their spawning migration in the Yukon River basin
From Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
Read the article
New CalFish Website Tracking Acoustically Tagged Salmon
The website allows those interested in salmon survival and movement to monitor ATS tagged salmon groups as they move down the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers and through the Delta.
CalFish website
California Network Listens for Passing Salmon
An in-depth article from Estuary Magazine describes how ATS acoustic systems are helping researchers track salmon.
Read the article
Video: Bumble Bees are Tracked in Minnesota with ATS Transmitters
Watch the Video from Minnesota Bound.
You Tube Link Here
An Injectable Acoustic Transmitter for Juvenile Salmon
From Scientific Reports in
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Comparing the Survival Rate of Juvenile Chinook Salmon Migrating through Hydropower Systems Using Injectable and Surgical Acoustic Transmitters
From Scientific Reports in
Read MoreTasmania's Inland Fisheries Service ...
Uses ATS equipment in their Carp Managment Program. See their full report ...
Read More (pdf)Testimonials ... What Our Customers are Saying:
"I first want to thank you for all the help you have provided to my graduate student ...
(and) for selecting the right transmitters and other equipment needed for her project. Also, having those right in time before we started was a great asset for our project ... Now I am certain my lab will continue working with ATS given the amazing response we have had from you and ATS ..."
Ivan C., Texas
"It's always a pleasure to work with you guys,
and you went above and beyond on this order."
Susan A., North Carolina
"Thank you so much for working so promptly to repair the receiver.
The customer service and support we have received from ATS to date has been remarkable."
James W., Wyoming